count_rasm(text, system=None)
counts the occerences of each letter (As system
defines) in sura.
text: [str], a list of strings , each inner list is ayah .
system: Optional, [[char]], revise Alphabetical Systems, if
is not passed, the normal alphabet is applied.
(N * P) ndarray (Matrix A): N is the number of verses, P is the alphabet (as defined in system
is the number of the letter j
in the verse i
newSystem = [[q.beh, q.teh, q.theh], [q.jeem, q.hah, q.khah]]
q.count_rasm(q.quran.get_sura(110), newSystem)
>>>[[1 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 1 1 1 0 0]
[1 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 5 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 4 0 3 1 3 1 3]
[6 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 2 0 1 2 2 2 0 0]]
search_string_with_tashkeel(string, key)
string: str, sentence to search by key.
key: str, taskeel pattern.
Searches tashkeel that is exciplitly included in string.
find: list of pairs where x and y are the start and end index of the matched.
nod-found: []
string = 'صِفْ ذَاْ ثَنَاْ كَمْ جَاْدَ شَخْصٌ'
q.search_string_with_tashkeel(string, 'َْ')
>>> [(3, 5), (7, 9), (10, 12), (13, 15), (17, 19)]
frequency_of_character(characters, verse=None, chapterNum=0, verseNum=0, with_tashkeel=False)
counts the number of characters in a specific verse or sura or even the entrire Quran ,
If you don't pass verse and chapterNum he will get all Quran
verse: str, this verse that you need to count it and default is None. chapterNum, int, chapter number is a number of 'sura' that will count it , and default is 0.
verseNum: int, verse number in sura.
chracters: [], list of characters that you want to count them.
with_tashkeel: Bool, to check if you want to search with tashkeel.
{dic} : {str : int} a dictionary and keys is a characters and value is count of every chracter.
#that will count the vers number **2** in all swar
>>> {'أ': 101, 'ب': 133, 'تُ': 0}
#that will count the vers number **2** in chapter **1**
>>> {'أ': 0, 'ب': 1, 'تُ': 0}
#that will count in **all Quran**
>>> {'أ': 8900, 'ب': 11491, 'تُ': 2149}
Computes the frequency dictionary for a sura
suraNumber: 1 <= Int <= 114.
[aya_frequency_dictionary]: the key of
is a unique word in aya and the corresponding value is its frequency. A list of frequency dictionaries for each verse of Sura.
- frequency dictionary is a python dict, which carries word frequencies for an aya.
- Its key is (str) word, its value is (int) word frequency
>>> [{بسم': 1, 'الله': 1, 'الرحمن': 1, 'الرحيم': 1'},
{الحمد': 1, 'لله': 1, 'رب': 1, 'العلمين': 1'},
{الرحمن': 1, 'الرحيم': 1'},
{ملك': 1, 'يوم': 1, 'الدين': 1'},
{إياك': 1, 'نعبد': 1, 'وإياك': 1, 'نستعين': 1'},
{اهدنا': 1, 'الصرط': 1, 'المستقيم': 1'},
{عليهم': 2',
صرط': 1',
الذين': 1',
أنعمت': 1',
غير': 1',
المغضوب': 1',
ولا': 1',
الضالين': 1'}]
Compute the words frequences of the Quran.
- [sura_level_frequency_dict]: Revise the output of frequency_sura_level.
In [19]: len(quran_words_frequences)
Out[19]: 114
# Al Fati-ha
In [20]: len(quran_words_frequences[0])
Out[20]: 7
sort_dictionary_by_similarity(frequency_dictionary, threshold=0.8)
this function using to cluster words using similarity and sort every bunch of word by most common and sort bunches descending in same time
- frequency_dictionary: dict, frequency dictionary to be sorted.
dict : {str: int} sorted dictionary
frequency_dic = q.generate_frequency_dictionary(114)
# this dictionary is sorted using similarity 0.8
>>> {'أعوذ': 1, 'إذا': 2, 'العقد': 1, 'الفلق': 1, 'النفثت': 1, 'برب': 1, 'حاسد': 1, 'حسد': 1, 'خلق': 1, 'شر': 4, 'غاسق': 1, 'فى': 1, 'قل': 1, 'ما': 1, 'من': 1, 'وقب': 1, 'ومن': 3}
check_sura_with_frequency(sura_num, freq_dec)
this function check if frequency dictionary of specific sura is compatible with original sura in shapes count
suraNumber (int): sura number
- Boolean: True :- if compatible Flase :- if not
frequency_dic = q.generate_frequency_dictionary(114)
q.check_sura_with_frequency(114, frequency_dic)
>>> True
search_sequence(sequancesList, verse=None, chapterNum=0, verseNum=0, mode=3)
take list of sequances and return matched sequance, it search in verse ot chapter or All Quran ,
it return for every match : 1 - matched sequance 2 - chapter number of occurrence 3 - token number if word and 0 if sentence
Note : - if found verse != None it will use it en search .
- if no verse and found chapterNum and verseNum it will
use this verse and use it to search.
if no verse and no verseNum and found chapterNum it will
search in chapter.
if no verse and no chapterNum and no verseNum it will search in All Quran.
it has many modes:
search with decorated sequance (with tashkeel), and return matched sequance with decorates (with tashkil).
search without decorated sequance (without tashkeel), and return matched sequance without decorates (without tashkil).
search without decorated sequance (without tashkeel), and return matched sequance with decorates (with tashkil).
chapterNum: int, number of chapter where function search.
verseNum: int, number of verse wher function search.
sequancesList: [], a list of sequances that you want to match them.
mode: int, this mode that you need to use and default mode 3.
- dict: key is sequances and value is a list of matched_sequance and their positions.
# search in chapter = 1 only using mode 3 (default)
q.search_sequence(sequancesList=['ملك يوم الدين'],chapterNum=1)
#it will return
#{'sequance-1' : [ (matched_sequance , position , vers_num , chapter_num) , (....) ],
# 'sequance-2' : [ (matched_sequance , position , vers_num , chapter_num) , (....) ] }
# Note : position == 0 if sequance is a sentence and == word position if sequance is a word
>>> {'ملك يوم الدين': [('مَلِكِ يَوْمِ الدِّينِ', 0, 4, 1)]}
# search in all Quran using mode 3 (default)
q.search_sequence(sequancesList=['ملك يوم'])
>>> {'ملك يوم': [('مَلِكِ يَوْمِ', 0, 4, 1), ('الْمُلْكُ يَوْمَ', 0, 73, 6), ('الْمُلْكُ يَوْمَئِذٍ', 0, 56, 22), ('الْمُلْكُ يَوْمَئِذٍ', 0, 26, 25)]}